Meet Christabel.

She’s a highly acclaimed audio producer, production executive, and audience development strategist.

She coaches podcasters and audio creators to share culturally rich stories and achieve their audience goals.

Producing a show can be exhilarating, but growing your audience can be overwhelming. These challenges can feel even harder if you’re producing culturally nuanced content.

It requires patience, determination, access to insights, and a great support system. Why go through it alone?

You deserve support, too.

Through AudioDiaspora, I can help you gain the clarity and confidence to achieve your audio show goals.

One-to-One Coaching

Book a free 30-minute consultation with me.

Are you unsure if this will work for you? Book a free consultation to find out.

During our meeting, we'll discuss your goals and blockers and see how we can work together.

AudioDiaspora Podcast

Subscribe to the AudioDiaspora podcast to get weekly inspiration and exclusive tips from creators worldwide I speak to from around the world. Discover how to roll with the ups and downs of sustaining an authentic, culturally creative business - on your terms.